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ECOLHE - The ICT in HE: From the European Vision to the University

The first Multiplier event was held in early July in Patras, Greece as tool sharing and co-evaluation for IO1 National research report: “Digital Technologies in HE: from the European vision to the university governance” (RM3) and IO2 Training pilot for online teaching in HE (UOC).

Partners set up a social network, grouped the stakeholders to reflect about teachers’ digital competences in the digital era. They compared and commented the situation of each partner country both from the point of view of legislation and of universities micro policies, based on the research evidence (ΙΟ1/Α2.1)

The event, besides representing a break from the online meetings due to the Covid-19 emergency, was an occasion to put together new experiences about training teachers’ activities, share criticism, concerns, and suggestions, increase the network of stakeholders, shareholders, educational institutions, digital publishers, and developers, discuss the activities already implemented and plan the future ones.

July 8, 2021 / Patras