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The main activities will be developed following a stepwise approach:

1st step (Led by RM3)

The ECOLHE project will produce the Comparative Research Report on “Digital Technologies in HE: from the European vision to the university governance” (IO1), where each Partner country realizes its case study.

2nd step (Led by UOC)

The ECOLHE project will produce a “Training Pilot for online teaching in HE” (IO2).

3rd step (Led by FLCU)

The ECOLHE Project will realize a Pilot for “Engagement tools for HE online learning environment” (IO3).

4th step (Led by UCC)

The ECOLHE project will produce the report “Symbiotic Learning Paradigm (SLP): Teacher Competences, Methods & Approaches in HE” and the associated tool for self-assessment of HE institutions and their professionals. It will be concluded by a comparative report aimed to underline the most important problems in teaching professionalization for HE (IO4).

5th step (Led by UPAT)

This step regards the elaboration of “Recommendation and guidelines for Academic Bodies” to provide them with a useful framework and instruments to improve teaching quality, enhancing online and blended environment in HE (IO5).