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Informative Report and request of consent for the processing of the personal data according to art. 13 of the Italian Privacy Code (Dlgs n. 196/2003) and arts. 13 and 14 of the GDPR 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation)

“Link Campus University” adopts the necessary measures for the application of the European Regulation 2016/679 GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and the national legislation in force, relating to the protection of the individuals as to the processing of the personal data. As a matter of fact, it should be noted that the European Regulation 2016/679, concerning the protection of the individuals as to the processing of the personal data, has been in force since 25 May 2018.

For personal data we mean:

  • Identifying data, which declare the identity of a person;
    • Sensitive data, which reveal the racial and ethnic origin, the religious belief, the philosophical convictions or any other type of convictions, the political opinions, the support to parties, trade unions, religious, philosophical, political or trade-union associations or organizations, as well as the personal data suitable to disclose the state of health and the sex life.
    • Judicial data disclosing criminal records, administrative sanctions deriving from crimes and the relevant pending suits or the position as defendant or suspect pursuant to articles 60 and 61 of the criminal procedure code.

Controller of the data processing

The controller of the data processing is the Link Campus University, in the person of its pro-tempore legal representative, the Rector, domiciled for the exertion of his office at the University.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The data protection officer is a figure provided by art. 37 of the (EU) Regulation 2016/679. He is a person designated by the Controller of the data processing to carry out offices of support and control as well as advising, training and information tasks in connection with the application of the Regulation, as for example:

to inform and advise the controller as well as the employees who carry out processing as to the obligations pursuant to GDPR, as well as other National or Union provisions concerning the protection of the data;

  1. to monitor compliance with this Regulation (GDPR), other national and Union provisions concerning the protection of the data as well as the policies of the controller or processor in relation to the protection of personal data, including the assignment of responsibilities, awareness-raising and training of staff involved in processing operation, and the related audits;
    b. to provide advice, if requested, as regards the data protection impact assessment and monitor its performance pursuant to article 35 of GDPR;
    c. to cooperate with the Supervisory Authority for the protection of the personal data;
    d. to act as the contact point for the Supervisory Authority on issues relating to processing.

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) of Link Campus University can be contacted at:

Tel. + 39 06 94808756

Processed Data

Pursuant to art. 13 of the Leg. Decree no. 196 dated 30 June 2003, Link Campus University informs that the personal and the identifying data concerning the data subject are managed by the Administration Office, in order to comply with the legal. requirements. The processed data are as follows:

  1. personal, identifying and informative data required in the contact form” and/or collected through other IT tools.

We point out that among the processed data there are those described as:

  • “judicial data” pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 1, letter e) of the Leg. Decree 196/2003 and specifically: suitable personal data to disclose the provisions under art. 3, paragraph 1, letters from a) to o) and from r) to u) of the Presidential Decree no. 313 dated 14 November 2002;
  • “sensitive data” pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 1 letter d) of the Leg. Decree 196/2003.


Purposes of the processing and legal basis

The processing of the personal data requested to the data subject is carried out according to art. 6 letter e) of the EU Regulation 2016/679, for the following purposes:

  • achieve the Project named “ECOLHE” ;
  • use of telematic and e-mail services (f.i. newsletter);
  • application of safety measures for workplaces according to the provisions set out in the Legislative Decree 81/2008;
  • transmission of communications concerning the project activities;
  • surveys for the evaluation of the project activities and user satisfaction;
  • archiving and storage of documents concerning the research activity;
  • statistics, historical and scientific research, anonymously;
  • send invitations for workshops, exhibitions, cine forums, conferences and other events related to the Project.

Moreover, we have planned the (non compulsory and subject to consent) processing of the identifying personal data for the following purposes:

  • transmission of communication to public and private subjects for cultural purposes related to the Project implementation.

The controller of the data processing does not use automatic processes aiming to the profiling of the data subject.

Place and methods of the data processing

“Link Campus University” informs that the above-mentioned data will be processed either in paper or electronic format, through the storage of the data both in archives and in data banks only for as long as is strictly necessary to achieve the goals the data were collected for and, however, in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, fairness, non- excessiveness and pertinence required by the current privacy legislative provisions.

Moreover the personal data relating to the university career will be kept indefinitely, considering the storage obligations imposed by the legislation in force. The other collected data for the use of the services and the communications will be kept for the time established by law in force and the University regulation.

Recipients of the personal data

The personal data provided by users may be communicated to third parties only if necessary. In particular, the personal data might also be communicated to public administrations (when requested), if they have to process the data for activities of their institutional competence, as for example to the body that provides the Project grant or to the judicial authority.
The personal data of the data subject will be processed within the University by the professors And the researchers involved in the Project, as well as by the technical-administrative staff pertaining to the competent structures for the different types of processing.
The personal data of the data subject may also be communicated to public and private companies where research activities or training concerning the project might be carried out.
The personal data of the data subject might also be communicated to all the Project official partners, as listed in the relative website page, for the purposes laid down in this Informative Report. The partners are:

  • Fondazione Link Campus University
  • Università di Roma Tre
  • Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • European Association of Erasmus Coordinators

The personal data of the data subject might also be communicated to other public administrations, if they have to process the data for activities of their institutional competence.
The transfer abroad of the data subject’s personal data to EU-extra countries will take place in compliance with the provisions laid down in Chapert V, GDPR (art. 46). In such circumstance, Link Campus University guarantees the adoption of adeguate guarantees (as the signing of standard contract clauses approved by EU Commission) with EU-extra legal subjects receiving the data; such clauses guarantee a protection level of the data corresponding to that sanctioned by the European Regulation.

Rights of the Subject data

The New European Regulation as to the protection of the personal data (2016/679) guarantees that the data subject has:

  1. the right to obtain confirm or denial of the existence of the personal data concerning him/her, even if they are not registered yet;
  2. the right to know:
    a) the origin of the personal data;
    b) the purposes and the modalities of the processing;
    c) the applied logic in case of processing carried out by electronic means;
    d) the identifying data of the controller, the persons in charge of the subjects or categories of subjects the personal data may be communicated to or who may get information about them.
  3. the right to obtain , by the controller or the person in charge, without delay:
    e) the update, the rectification, or ,if pertinent, the integration of the data;
    f) the erasure, the transformation in anonymous form and the block of the data processed in breach of law, including those whose conservation is not longer necessary in connection with the purposes for which they were collected or later processed;
    g) the declaration that the operations under the previous letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also as to their contents, of those the data were communicated to, except for the case in which such fulfillment is impossible or entails a use of means clearly out of proportion to the protected right.

4) The right to object in part or fully:
h) for lawful reasons to the processing of the personal data concerning him/her, even though relevant to the purpose of the collection;
g) to the processing of the personal data concerning him/her, for the purposes of sending advertising material or direct sale or for the conclusion of market researches or commercial communication.

5) Moreover, pursuant to art. 7 paragraph 3, GDPR, at any time the data subject may exercise his/her right of consent revocation without that the lawfulness of the processing based on the previously given consent is jeopardized;

6) Finally, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint before the Control Authority, that is the Data Protection Supervisor in Italy. In order to exercise such rights, point out problems or request clarifications on the processing of his/her personal data the person concerned can write to

Right to be forgotten

This informative report concerns only the processing of the personal data that the data subject has provided or will provide to Link Campus University – also purchasing our products and/or services supplied on payment or taking part to our promotions and/or offers – and those that, Link Campus University will acquire during the present relationship and/or further relationships. Instead the subject data who intends to assert his/her right to be forgotten has to write to 

Update of the Privacy Policy

The entry into force of new sectoral provisions as well as the constant exam and update of the user services, might entail the necessity to change the modalities and terms described in this Informative Report. Therefore, it might be that such document may be modified over time. Thus we reserve the right to change the present Privacy Policy in the event of adjustments or updates of which the data subject will be informed.