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Published the first output of the IO1 “Digital Technologies in HE: from the European vision to the university governance”

Published the first output of the IO1 “Digital Technologies in HE: from the European vision to the university governance”

The ECOLHE project is guided by one overall research question: “How do Universities promote innovation and digital challenge in their processes and learning-teaching activities?”

The first IO wants to explore how Universities have transposed into organizational practices the provisions found in European documents, with a particular focus on the issues of exploitation of ICT for LLL, quality standards and teachers’ professional development.

To reach this goal partners have worked first on three tasks:

  • to share a theoretical framework of the research;
  • to investigate the European framework
  • and to share a template and some tools for national Case Studies.

These tasks have been achieved and the results are in the first report, that can be freely downloaded.

Second step of the IO1 is to develop national case studies.

ECOLHE partners are working on them.

Keep in touch!

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